Dog Control Officer
Clayton Conover
Dog Control
The town enforces the ordinances that pertain to dog control. Wildlife Control is handled by the NYS DEC Region 7. See below for more information and contact number.
The Dog Control Officer for the Town of Constantia enforces the town's local ordinances for dogs.
Dog Licenses/Where to Apply
Licenses are purchased through the Town Clerk's office only. Click to view/download the application. Print application and mail to:
14 Frederick Street, Town Hall, PO Box 222, Constantia NY 13044
Requirements and Costs for Application:
All dogs over the age of four months must be licensed. The fee is $15.00 for a male or female dog and $7.00 for spayed or neutered.
A copy of a current rabies vaccination and spay or neutering certificate, if applicable, with appropriate fee must be submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office. Applications will be accepted from residents of the Town of Constantia and Village of Cleveland residents.
For all Wildlife issues such as a suspected rabies case or an apparent abandoned animal, please call the NYS DEC at (607) 753-3095 x247 or email at: R7Wildlife@dec.ny.gov